Commentary from the right wing and Granny Herald indicate that disillusionment with their favourite sons is beginning to set in.
First: Rodney's favourite: Mr. Garrott: (
sorry...... Garrett)
A Government MP has been reprimanded for lewd conduct just weeks after the resignation of National's Richard Worth.
Act MP David Garrett was spoken to by party leader Rodney Hide after making sexual comments to a female member of the party's Parliamentary office.
Hide said last night he had cause to speak to Garrett after learning the fledgling MP had made "off-colour" remarks. He said he hoped the incident would not lead to the end of Garrett's career as a member of Parliament.
Garrett is one of the drivers behind Act's "Three Strikes" policy - and this incident makes for his own second strike. Garrett also came under fire when he compared homosexuality to paedophilia on TVNZ's Eye to Eye show, after he had been drinking.
The new allegations have earned the National-led government a warning that it risks becoming branded as a "government of sleaze". INDEED!!
Second: Key Apologist - Bill Ralston:
In dismissing the need for better political management he shows he is not really a politician. After almost three decades in the business Goff is truly a politician.
Goff understands that a government can be slowly undermined by all the "white noise".
He served as a minister in two governments in which that happened. Labour lost power last year, even though the economy was still strong and it was continuing to deliver the goods to its constituency. It lost because it was gradually overcome by the "white noise" and the public lost faith.
The Government needs to learn it might ignore the "distractions" but that doesn't mean they will go away and the consequences can be fatal.
Third: Matt McCarten: on the Melissa Lee fiasco:
The campaign was deserted by the leadership
Does Key get it that by-elections are national campaigns? Anyone can hold the job as leader when things go well. The test of a leader is when things are not going well. Key failed. He picked Lee against the wishes of the locals, he didn't get his experienced people taking ownership of the campaign and he just wasn't there. But the unforgivable act was Key's holiday on by-election weekend. The best he could do was send Lee a text. None of his senior ministers or even his president was there. Lee was left to face the massacre alone, like a stunned possum in a car's headlights.
If this is how National copes under stress in a campaign, I hope the recession doesn't get too difficult. This by-election shows us that our Prime Minister and his Cabinet can't be counted on when things get tough.
Fourth: Rodney Hide's puppet master - the Nosferatu of NZ politics- Roger Douglas:
"This only enforces the emerging trend we have seen between Mr Key and Mr English. Mr Key announces a stupid idea - be it a cycleway or forced investment in New Zealand - Mr English realises the idea is stupid, and distances himself from it.
"The Prime Minister then becomes hell-bent on scoring another symbolic victory over the Finance Minister - who backs down and Mr Key gets his way. But these battles are only resulting in pyrrhic victories - neither the cycleway nor forced investment will make New Zealand better long term.
"The trend is towards an obsession with massaging Mr Key's political image, at the expense of New Zealand's long term prospects.
Fifth: Brian Rudman: On the decision to waste the Rate Payers' money on a grandiose booze barn or John Key's "Party Central"
Brian Rudman: Government bullies pushing city a wharf too far
Sixth: Christine Rankin's decision to front the support whacking your kids campaign despite the assurance from John Key that she would not be involved in actively campaigning on the issue:
Families Commissioner Christine Rankin's decision to be a face of the "vote no" campaign for the smacking referendum is "quite incredible", Green MP Sue Bradford says.
Ms Bradford was the architect of a 2007 law change which removed the defence of reasonable force in child abuse cases. Ms Rankin vehemently opposed the law change and was spokeswoman of For The Sake Of Our Children Trust.
Tomorrow Ms Rankin will front at the launch of a campaign urging voters to vote no to the question "should a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand"?
That is despite Prime Minister John Key last week saying he would not expect Ms Rankin to continue to campaign against the law change, and the Families Commission saying it supported the new law.
One can only echo the favourite word of the National Party Bloggers: "INDEED!!"