12 Jan 2014

A question about responsibility and transparency in decision making in the PinoKeyo govt.

 How does the National Party Cabinet make responsible decisions on Education and use of  tax dollars when this happens?

When one reads these stories in the newspaper one does begin to wonder how seriously Key considers rationality and transparency in decision making and use of the taxpayers' dollars as being of high priority in a National-Act govt? 
"Integrated "Private"  schools under investigation for fee charges" and "Despite assets worth millions Prestigious Private school allowed to integrate to prevent it failing."

Should we be adding Wanganui Collegiate to Bill English's list of those who are taking too much from the State and are therefore "bludging"?

I don't think it too much of a stretch to believe that under this National-Act govt this decision  would appear to support the argument that asset retention is great for private enterprise but a low priority for the State as Key & English vigorously pursue selling off NZ's assets to foreign corporations.

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